6th Std Science Term 2 Solution | Lesson.6 Human Organ systems

Lesson.6 Human Organ systems

Human Organ systems Book Back Answers

Lesson.6 Human Organ systems

I. Choose the correct answer:

1. Circulatory system transports these throughout the body

  1. Oxygen
  2. Nutrient
  3. Hormones
  4. All of these

Ans : All of these

2. Main organ of respiration in human body is

  1. Stomach
  2. Spleen
  3. Heart
  4. Lungs

Ans : Lungs

3. Breakdown of food into smaller molecules in our body is known as

  1. Muscle contraction
  2. Respiration
  3. Digestion
  4. Excretion

Ans : Digestion

II. Fill in the blanks

1.  A group of organs together make up an ___________ system

Ans : organ system

2. The part of the skeleton that protects the brain is ___________

Ans : axial skeleton 

3. The process by which the body removes waste is ___________

Ans : excretion

4. The ___________ is the largest sense organ in our body

Ans : skin

5. The endocrine glands produce chemical substances called ___________

Ans : Hormones

III. True or False. If False, give the correct statement

1. Blood is produced in the bone marrow

Ans : True

2. All the waste products of the body are excreted through the circulatory system.

Ans : False

Cu. An : All the waste products of the body are excreted through the excretory system.

3. The other name of food pipe is alimentary canal.

Ans : True

4. Thin tube like structures which are the component of circulatory system are called blood vessels

Ans : True

Cu. An : The organelles of both plants and animals are made up of membranes.

5. The brain, the spinal cord and nerves form the nervous system.

Ans : True

IV. Match the Following

1. EarCardiac muscle
2. Skeletal SystemFlat muscle
3. DiaphragmSound
4. HeartAir sacs
5. LungsProtection of internal organs
Ans : 1 – C, 2 – E, 3 – B, 4 – A, 5 – D

V. Arrange in Correct sequence

1. Stomach Large intestine  Oesophagus Pharynx Mouth Small Intestine   Rectum  Anus

Ans : Mouth Pharynx Oesophagus Stomach Small Intestine Large intestine Rectum Anus

2. Urethra Ureter Urinary Bladder  Kidney

Ans : kidney Ureter Urinary Bladder Urethra

VI. Analogy

1. Arteries : Carry blood from the heart :: _________ : carry blood to the heart.

Ans : Vein

2. Lungs : Respiratory system :: ___________ : Circulatory system.

Ans : Heart

3. Enzymes : Digestive glands :: _____________ : Endocrine glands

Ans : Hormones

VII. Give very short answer 

1. Describe about skeletal system.

The adult human skeletal system consists of 206 bones and few cartilages, ligaments and tendons. Ligaments help in connecting bone to bone. Tendons connect bone to muscle. The two major divisions of the skeletal system are Axial skeleton and Appendicular skeleton.

2. Write the functions of epiglottis.

The entry of food into the wind pipe is prevented by a flap like structure called epiglottis.

3. What are the three types of blood vessels?

Three types of blood vessels are arteries, veins and capillaries.

4. Define he term “Trachea”.

The trachea, commonly called windpipe, is a tube supported by cartilaginous rings that connects the pharynx and larynx to the lungs, allowing the passage of air. The trachea divides into right and left bronchi and enter into the lungs. They divide further and ends in small air sacs called alveoli.

5. Write any two functions of digestive system.

  • Conversion of complex food substances into simple forms
  • absorption of digested food.

6. Name the important parts of the eye.

The eye has three main parts namely cornea, iris and pupil.

Human Organ systems

7. Name the fiVe important sense organs.

There are five sense organs in our body such as eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin.

VIII. Give short answer

1. Write a short note on rib cage

The rib cage is made up of 12 pairs of curved, flat rib bones. It protects the delicate vital organs such as heart and lungs.

2. List out the functions of the human skeleton.

  • The skeletal system consists of bones, cartilages and joints. Bones provide a frame work for the body. Bones along with muscles help in movements such as walking, running, chewing and dancing etc.,
  • It protects the delicate vital organs such as heart and lungs.

3. Distinguish between the voluntary muscles and involuntary muscles.

Voluntary musclesInvoluntary muscles
1. They can be controlled by our will.They are not controlled by our will.
2. Skeletal muscles of our body are attached to the bones.

Example: Muscles of arm

Smooth muscles are found in the walls of the digestive tract, urinary bladder, arteries and other internal organs.


IX. Answer in detail

1. List out the functions of Endocrine system and Nervous system.

Human Organ systems

The two important functions of the nervous system along with the endocrine system are conduction and co-ordination.

Endocrine system regulates various functions of the body and maintains the internal environment. Endocrine glands are present in the body, produce chemical substances called hormones.

Pituitary glandAt the base of brain
Pineal GlandAt the base of brain
Thyroid GlandNeck
Thymus GlandChest
Pancreas (Islets of Langerhans)Abdomen
Adrenal GlandAbove the kidney
GonadsPelvic cavity

Nervous system

Nervous system is well developed in human and is composed of neurons or nerve cells. This system includes brain, spinal cord, sensory organs and nerves. The two important functions of the nervous system along with the endocrine system are conduction and co-ordination

Human Organ systems

1. Sensory Input

The conduction of signals from sensory receptors.

2. Integration

The interpretation of the sensory signals and the formulation of responses.

3. Motor output

The conduction of signals from the brain and spinal cord to effectors, such as muscle and gland cells. Endocrine system regulates various functions of the body and maintains the internal environment. Endocrine glands are present in the body, produce chemical substances called hormones.

2. Label the diagram given below to show the four main parts of the urinary system and answer the following questions. Human Organ systems

A. Which organ removes extra salts and water from the blood?


B. Where is the urine stored?

Urinary bladder

C. What is the tube through which urine is excreted out of the body?


D. What are the tubes that transfer urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder called?



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