Tamil Nadu 7th Standard English Book Term 1 The Red-Headed League Solution | Lesson 2.3

Lesson 2.3 The Red-Headed League

7th Standard English Book Term 1 - The Red-Headed League Book Back Answers

Lesson 2.3 >  The Red-Headed League


strong rooma room in a bank designed to protect valuable items against fire and theftஉறுதியான அறை
cratesa wooden box used for transporting goodsகூடைகள்
investigationsystematic examinationபுலனாய்வு
tunnelan artificial underground passageசுரங்கம்
notoriousfamous for some bad qualitiesகொடூரமான
cellarlower ground floor; basementகீழ் தரை தளம்; அடித்தளம்
recognizedidentifiedஅடையாளம் காண்

A. Say whether the following statements are ‘True’ or ‘False’.

  1. Photography was Vincent Spaulding’s hobby. – ( False )
  2. Mr. Ross did not want to hire Mr. Wilson. – ( False )
  3. Mr. Wilson worked for Mr. Ross for six weeks. – ( False )
  4. Mr. Jones was a lawyer. – ( False )
  5. Spaulding dug a tunnel from the cellar of the shop to the jewellery shop. –  ( False )

B. Complete the table based on the information from the text.

Holmes’ FindingsClues
Mr. Holmes found the tunnel.“Spaulding often went down to the cellar” the tunnel to dig, Holmes was hitting the ground with his stick to find the location of the cellar. He found out that the cellar was behind the shop.
Mr. Spaulding dug the tunnel.His trousers were dirty because he had been digging a tunnel.
The tunnel was made to get into the bank’s strong room.The Bank was at the back of the shop.
Spaulding could be the thief.“Spaulding was happy to work for half-wages”.
“His trousers… were dirty”
“Spaulding is John Clay, the notorious thief”
He often went down to the cellar.

C. Answer the following questions.

1. Why did Jabez Wilson meet Mr. Holmes?

The Red-Headed league in which Jabez worked was dissolved and he was disturbed. So Jabez met Mr. Holmes for a solution.

2. Describe Vincent Spaulding.

Vincent spaulding is Jabez Wilson’s assistant. His real name is John Clay. He is a notorious thief.

3. Why did Spaulding spend a lot of time in the cellar?

Spaulding was making a tunnel that connected to the strong room of the Bank. So he spent a lot of time in the cellar.

4. Why was Mr. Wilson hired to copy the Encyclopaedia?

Mr. Wilson was hired to copy the Encyclopaedia so that Spaulding got enough time to dig a tunnel to the bank.

5. How did Holmes’ team catch the thieves?

Holmes’ team hid in the strong room of the Bank. When the thieves entered through the tunnel, they ceased them.

D. Based on your reading of the text complete the pyramid by arranging the sequence in the correct order.

  1. Holmes found the tunnel from the cellar to the bank’s strong room.
  2. Wilson was assigned to copy the encyclopaedia.
  3. Wilson asked Sherlock Holmes for help.
  4. Wilson got the job in The Red – Headed League.
  5. Spaulding and Ross were caught by the famous detective.
  6. One day he found the notice that ‘The Red – Headed League’ was dissolved.
  7. Holmes recognised Spaulding who was actually John Clay, a notorious criminal.

Ans. :

  1. Wilson got the job in The Red – Headed League.
  2. Wilson was assigned to copy the encyclopaedia.
  3. One day he found the notice that ‘The Red – Headed League’ was dissolved.
  4. Wilson asked Sherlock Holmes for help.
  5. Holmes recognised Spaulding who was actually John Clay, a notorious criminal.
  6. Holmes found the tunnel from the cellar to the bank’s strong room.
  7. Spaulding and Ross were caught by the famous detective.


G. Just like the example, use the key to fill in the blanks and break the code.



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